
Developing an attack emulator


Glastopf’s modular design allows for easy extension of the honeypot. This text will briefly demonstrate how to build a simple emulator which will emulate the very popular, and imaginary, php beerservice.

Creating a new handler from scratch involves two steps:

  1. Adding a detection rule.
  2. Writing an emulator to handle the request.

Detection pattern

A detection pattern is a regular expression which is tested against the url of incoming requests. The following pattern will match all requests which starts with /beerservice.php.

 <patternDescription>beer service</patternDescription>

All request patterns can be found in the requests.xml file.

Adding a basic emulator

To create this emulator (handler), we need to create a module (file) with a filename that matches the <module> tag from the detection pattern. This module needs to be placed in the emulators directory. The python file for the beerservice module will be placed at:


To create a basic handler we need to create a class with the following characteristics:

  • Inherits from base_emulator.BaseEmulator.
  • Override the handle(self, attack_event) method to provide the needed emulation.

To return http response back to the client you need to call the attack_event.http_request.set_response method which takes care of proper http header and other tedious stuff. If you need full control of the entire http response you can use attack_event.http_request.set_response instead. The following code shows a simple implementation of the beerservice emulator.

from glastopf.modules.handlers import base_emulator
import urlparse

class BeerManager(base_emulator.BaseEmulator):
    def __init__(self, data_dir):
        super(BeerManager, self).__init__(data_dir)

    def handle(self, attack_event):
        beer = attack_event.http_request.request_query['type][0]
        reponse = '{0} is a pretty lousy type of beer!'.format(beer)

We can now start Glastopf and test our new emulator as follows.

$ curl http://localhost:8080/beerservice.php?type=Rauchbier
Rauchbier is a pretty lousy type of beer!

Adding files

If you need to add datafiles, you can add these to the data directory at:


All content of this directory will automatically be copied to the work directory of Glastopf, which allows for easy customization. You can get the path to the data directory by reading self.data_dir.